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Coffee Valve - PLI-VALV® One Way Degassing Valve / Coffee Valve

PLI-VALV® Degassing Systems

Medical Packaging Cards

Packaging Cards

PLI-Tab Merchandising Hang Tags

PLI-TAB® Merchandising Hang Tabs


PLI-VALV® One-Way Degassing Systems

  • Packaging degassing systems

PLI-TAB® Hang Tabs and Display Strips

  • Reduce packaging material waste and increase in-store product visibility

Custom Lidstocks

  • Custom composite and die cut lidstocks for consumer and pharmaceutical packaging

Custom Packaging Cards

  • Custom die cut & printed packaging cards for consumer products & medical devices

Custom Tamper Evident Seals

  • Custom tamper evident seals for protecting package integrity


Mini coffee valve for small packaging

PLI-VALV® Degassing Systems

PLI-VALV® one-way degassing valves and vents enable head-space gases from inside of sealed packaging to escape while providing an effective barrier to environmental oxygen, moisture, and contamination keeping products intact and preserving its quality.  

Medical Packaging Cards

PLI-MED® Medical Packaging Cards

Custom medical packaging cards also known as die-cut inserts, pouch cards, or backer cards, are used to securely hold single or multiple surgical instruments and other medical devices in an […]

PLI-TAB Hang Tabs

PLI-TAB® Hang Tabs

We stock a wide variety of PLI-TAB® hang tabs, bottle neck hang tabs, wobblers, and vertical display strips in various styles for immediate delivery.

PLITEK® is an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2016 certified global converting leader.